Our environmental team can provide valuable and cost-saving services on the front end of a project through vigorous spatial and site environmental constraint analyses, collect and analyze site specific environmental data during the design process, assist with the myriad of environmental regulations and permits that govern these linear projects, and conduct final project closure monitoring to meet regulatory requirements and client success objectives.
Additionally, GEI has the depth and breadth of engineering resources to staff projects and programs from the initial conceptual engineering, preliminary site investigations and analyses phases through Pre-Front End Engineering Design (FEED), FEED, detailed design, and construction implementation to completion of the project.
Capital and Linear Support Services
- Access Road Design
- Air Quality and Noise Studies
- Aquatic Ecology Surveys
- Compressor Station/Civil Engineering and Permitting
- Construction Management Inspection
- Cultural Resource/Archaeology Reviews
- Ecological Assessments
- Encroachment Permitting
- Environmental Assessments
- Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Plans and Permitting
- Highway Occupancy Permitting
- Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys and Permitting
- Preparedness, Prevention, Contingency (PPC) Planning
- Pipeline Design
- Routing Alternatives Analysis Cost Evaluations and Financial Proformas
- Siting Support
- Stormwater Permitting and Post-Construction Stormwater Management
- Surface Water Investigations
- Vegetative Surveys
- Wetland Delineation and Permitting
- Wetland Mitigation Design, Construction, and Monitoring