My personal philosophy about the work I do: if you are using Microsoft Excel then I can provide you a more efficient, reliable, and scalable solution.
As a senior data engineer, I help our Oil & Gas clients by engineering data solutions between raw data capture and reporting requirements.
My experience has primarily focused on data management and programming for projects within the engineering and science disciplines. The data management projects I have been involved with have included environmental quality data, geotechnical investigations, regulatory permit specifications, material testing, asbestos survey results, and cost analysis data.
My claim to fame is that I can bridge the gap between environmental engineering and data management due to expertise and experience in both fields.
My most rewarding Oil & Gas project was done for Chesapeake Energy where I helped engineer a multi-consultant data capture solution for sites throughout each of the shale plays into one seamless database system with automated reporting. I designed an overall data management approach for utilizing Earthsoft’s EQuIS suite of products for wide-scale property inventory for possible gas well sites. EDGE field EDD was modified to accommodate unique industry data. A custom EDD was presented to the analytical laboratory. On-site training was provided to the firm’s employees. Historical data was migrated into EQuIS and initial assistance was provided to the firm for importing field and lab EDDs.
The thing I enjoy most about my job is the combination of reducing the time required for generating reports or analyses from days to minutes and creating a system where complex questions can be answered efficiently.
I owned/managed my own company for 14 years and I have worked with Earthsoft for over 20 years. In fact, I’m proud to be considered by Earthsoft’s CEO, a “top user” in the world, and have made contributions to the design and functionality of their software.
Fun Fact
I have gone to a brewpub/tasting room in 48 states!